Interviewing teachers.
This is David, our art teacher. We decided to interview him because he is one of the best teachers in our High School. He is intelligent, funny and clever. He is crazy!! Keep on reading to get to know him…
His favourite colour is purple. He has got 2 children and he is married. His favourite artist is Tamara de Lempicka, and his favourite painting is Las Lanzas, by Velazquez. In painting he prefers realism to abstract art.
His favourite football team is the Athletic Sedavi. He also admitted he isn’t religious, but he respects all the religions.
He became an art teacher because he needed to earn money. His hobby is art, but he thinks money is more important.
By Judit, Alejandro, Cristina, Mark, Valentin, Hector (4º A)

A Little bit of Elena
The 4th ESO students have decided to interview Elena a new teacher at our high school. She is their physics and chemistry teacher.
Q: Why did you decide to be a teacher?
A: Because I love chemistry and I wanted to teach it to others.
Q: What level of English do you have?
A: My level of English is not high, but I can speak a little.
Q: How old were you when you taught your first class?
A: I was 26 years old when I took my first class
Q: How many schools have you worked at?
A: I have worked at 4 schools
Q: What do you prefer physics or chemistry? Why?
A: I prefer chemistry, because the structure is more interesting
Q: 6 .Have you got children?
A: No, I haven’t
Q: Where were you born?
A: I was born in Valencia
Q: What do you like doing in your free time?
A: I like doing sport, going to the mountains and watching series.
Q: Do you like children?
A: No, I don’t.
Q: What would you like to be if you weren’t a teacher?
A: I would like to do a job related to sports and nutrition.
We have come to the conclusion that Elena really likes sports and cares about health. She also loves physics and chemistry, but what she doesn't like much is children.
By Claudia Martínez, Noa, Paola, Valentín Rubio, Tania

We interviewed Maite, a new teacher at our High School.
Q: How old are you?
A: I’m 41 years old
Q: What subject do you teach?
A: I teach philosophy.
Q: Why did you choose to teach this subject?
A: Because I loved it!
Q: Who is your favorite philosopher and why?
A: My favorite philosopher is Wittgenstein because of his peculiar biography. I like Plato as well because of his pedagogical and literary work.
Q: Have you got any children or pets?
A: Yes, I have a child.
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: I usually hang out with friends, watch TV shows and read.
Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: I have two favourite books, Steppenwolf (El lobo estepario), and Alice in Wonderland.
Q: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
A: Yes, I have a sister
Q: What do you think it is the best of being a teacher?
A: The best of being a teacher is the relation you create with people, and what you receive from the students. You learn a lot about them as well.
In conclusion and from our point of view, Maite is an incredible person who can teach you many interesting things, both about philosophy and about life. Surely, if you get to know her, you will also think the same.
By Bruno Gil, Claudia Alujer, Jorge Escudero and Javier Gadea, students of 4 ESO at IES Sedaví.

Interview to Sara
We are four students of 4th ESO A from IES Sedavi. We decided to interview Sara Carrasco, who is an English teacher at our school, because she is young and new in this centre
Q: How old are you?
A: I’m 26 years old.
Q: How long have you been a teacher?
A: I have been a teacher for 4 years more or less.
Q: Do you like travelling?
A: Yes, I love travelling!
Q: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
A: No, I am the only child.
Q: Have you got any pets?
A: Yes, I’ve got a rat and a bird.
Q: Are you responsible?
A: Yes, I am.
Q: What’s your favourite film?
A: My favourite film is Harry Potter.
Q: Did you fail a year when you were at school?
A: No, I didn’t.
Q: Do you like your job? Why?
A: Yes, I love my job because I like teaching English.
Q: Do you like children?
A: No, I don’t.
In our opinion, Sara was sincere in the interview. She was funny and interesting. Sara might be young, but she is a very nice teacher.
By Rubén Hakobyan, Andrea López, Paula Sánchez and Sebastián Yunis